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Kingston U3A Singers in Concert

We usually perform 2 concerts a year, a spring/summer concert in June and our Christmas concert in December.
Music is varied, both secular and sacred.
The repertoire is very mixed with music ranging from classic British folk songs, early music works, standards from the American and British song books through Victoriana, films and shows to modern living composers.

Next Concert:

Unfortunately our Summer and Christmas concerts this year are cancelled due to the Covid-19 virus. The social distancing severely restricted our rehearsal schedule and as most choirs found we are unable to present a full programme due to government restrictions.
However we are looking forward to the near future and hopefully we will return to the New Malden Methodist Church, 49 High Street, New Malden, KT3 4BY for our 2021 Concerts
More details will emerge as future arrangements firm up.
But do get in contact with us at any time. Either call or check our website for more detailed information such as tickets sales etc.
Contact Helga on 020 83978712 or Roger on 07759 020433